Motorcycle Etiquette

There are a few key things to remember when riding a motorcycle that will help make the experience more enjoyable for everyone. First and foremost, always be aware of your surroundings and ride defensively.

It means being extra careful at intersections and aware of vehicles around you. Secondly, signal when you intend to turn or change lanes so that other drivers know your intentions. Finally, please be considerate of other riders and respect their space on the road. By following these simple tips, everyone can enjoy the freedom and exhilaration of riding a motorcycle.

Parking On Sidewalks

group of parked motorcycles
Group of motorcycle parked in the sidewalk because of the rain.

In many cities, it is illegal to park on the sidewalk. Because sidewalks are for pedestrians, parking on them can block the sidewalk and make it difficult for people to get by. Parking on sidewalks can also damage the sidewalk and be a safety hazard if cars are parked too close to the edge of the sidewalk. If you need to park, look for a spot on the street or in a parking lot.

Parking By The Curb

When parking your car, you must be aware of your surroundings and park in a safe and legal spot. Parking by the curb is an excellent way to ensure that you are not blocking traffic or taking up too much space on the road. Be sure to check for signs that indicate no parking zones or restricted areas before you park. If you are unsure where to park, it is always best to ask a nearby police officer or parking attendant for help.

Metered Parking

Some people love it, and some people hate it. Metered parking can be a pain, but it can also be a lifesaver. For example, if you’re running late for an appointment, meter parking is a great way to ensure you get a spot close to your destination. And, if you’re lucky, you might even find a free place!

400 cc motorcycle parked in beside 4-wheeled vehicles
Some countries allow motorcycles with 400 cc to park beside 4-wheeled vehicles.

Parking In Striped Areas

In many jurisdictions, parking in striped areas is prohibited. This is because these areas are typically reserved for emergency vehicles, and parking in them can impede the response of these vehicles. In some cases, parking in striped regions can also be dangerous, as it can block the view of oncoming traffic. If you are unsure whether parking in a particular area is allowed, you should check with your local authorities.

Parking In Normal Parking Spots

Most people are familiar with the basic parking rules: park in a designated spot, don’t block traffic, be mindful of other people’s property, etc. However, there are a few other things to keep in mind when it comes to parking in regular parking spots:

  • Be sure to check for signs indicating whether parking is allowed.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and park in a well-lit and visible location.
  • Be considerate of others who may need to use the area after you.
  • Sharing Parking With Another Motorcycle

If you share a parking spot with another motorcycle, be considerate and leave enough room for both bikes. Be extra careful not to damage the other bike while parking or getting on or off your bike. If you have to park next to another motorcycle, ensure you’re not blocking the other bike’s access to the exit.

Mind your distance from other vehicles when driving

When driving a motorcycle, you must mind your distance from other vehicles. You don’t have the same protections a car has, so if you’re in an accident, you’re much more likely to be seriously injured or killed. That’s why it’s essential to give yourself plenty of space when driving and be extra cautious around other vehicles.

Avoid unreasonable overtaking

Overtaking Another driver without due care and attention is inconsiderate and dangerous. When overtaking, always check your mirrors and blind spots first, then Signal to indicate your intention, and only overtake when you are sure it is safe. Remember to give the other driver plenty of room, and never cut in front of them abruptly after overtaking.